Consulting and Implementation Services

Since its inception in 1995, CIS has differentiated itself by providing clients with ‘results, not just reports’. This means we deliver solutions that are both insightful and practical to provide real value to our clients. Our commitment to ensuring that business solutions can be implemented by our clients has helped CIS solidify a loyal client base and foster our continued growth across all service lines.


Total Funding Raised

CIS Grant Cash Raised Image

CIS has supported its clients to raise nearly $1.5 billion in funding from grants and other programs. When partners’ cash and in-kind contributions are included, this number is approximately $4 billion.

This makes us the dominant providers to clients leading innovative projects. We support them with strategic advice, project design, partner engagement, governance, and investment. Funds have been secured for large infrastructure projects, venture capital, research grants and industry research funding.

Funding Service Areas:

Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) and CRC-Project Grants

Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF)

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)

Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) Grants

Australian Research Council (ARC) Funding Schemes

Other funding from Local, State, Federal Government and philanthropic foundations and investors.